Vanguard Factor (Live)

Lead your business!

Run it in a way others won’t, so you can perform like others can’t!

Projecting Your Value

(Your Marketing)

Communicate your offerings in a way nobody else does, so you can achieve success nobody else can!

Your Product / Service

(What Do You Offer?)

Offer a product/ Service people can’t acquire elsewhere!

Your Customer Experience

(How Do People Feel?)

Offer the customer experience people hunger for!

Your After-Care

(After Your Initial Sale)

Care for your customers in a way nobody else does, or can!

Key features for business succes - Desktop

People buy because of how they FEEL!


Create a customer experience people HUNGER for!

Be the business that is the first thought in peoples minds, when they are wanting the product and/or service you offer!

A bit stuck with how to accomplish this?

I can help you!

I can help you with perspective, to see another way of moving forward.

There are so many opportunities all around us, your awarenss to them may just need to be adjusted.

Your staff are the FIRST CONTACT to your potential and current customers!

Create an environment your staff LOVE to be a part of!

When your staff enjoy what they do, and feel apart of something larger than themselves, your customers will hunger for the experience they receive!

Let’s have our first chat.

FREE of charge!